Splunk Snags Six 'Best of' Awards From Customer Reviews on TrustRadius
Cloud Migration Certified Partner
Best Training + Best Experience + Best Professionals = Best Outcomes
Splunk Architecture & Assessment
We Have Effective Ways to Quickly Ascertain Issues, and Potential Issues Within Your Infrastructure.
Certified Splunk Partner & Reseller
Best Training + Best Experience + Best Professionals = Best Outcomes
Welcome to Visicore Tech
Certified Splunk Partners & Resellers
TEchnology Partners
Why VisiCore?
Best Training + Best Experience + Best Resources = Best Outcomes
VisiCore services and solutions assist you in making actionable business-driven IT decisions by giving you visibility into your core IT services and their alignment to business outcomes. VisiCore offers high- quality IT consulting and Cloud Based Managed ServicesSM (CMBS) to support your mission critical business IT services. Our experts partner with your team to leverage the latest technology developments to drive measurable IT improvements resulting in optimizing cost, mitigating risk and improving end user experience.
Our Services
What We Do
VisiCore focuses on transforming the way we think about, integrate and leverage technology that underpins successful business strategies. Changing the traditional view of an IT enterprise, our business approach embraces the modern disruptions in technology to assist our customers in optimizing existing infrastructures and prepare for a secure next-generation cloud-enabled enterprise.
Splunk Advisory and Consulting
VisiCore provides the most experienced accredited Splunk resources available.
Splunk License Purchase Advisory
VisiCore focuses on multi-year deals that allow clients to maximize their purchasing power and strength.
SIEM Replacement & Integration
VisiCore offers professional advisory with all phases of evaluating and implementing a client new SIEM.
Splunk Architecture & Integration Advisory
We offer expert professionals to provide clients with information to make decisions quickly.
Large Splunk Cloud Migration
Executing Splunk health checks; running the Splunk Cloud Migration Assessment app checks; developing solutions for issues that may prevent or impair the customer’s migration to Splunk Cloud; identifying resources necessary to support
migration; and integrating additional Splunk resources with the customer to support successful migration to Splunk
Splunk Implementation For Large Water Utility Company
A summarization of the work performed during a large water utility company Splunk Cloud migration.
We Have the Best Splunk Training and Experience Available
Enterprise Security, ITSI, UBA, SIEM Replacement and Phantom Experts.
IT Operations
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